Category Archives: JA

Ekspresowy detoks dla ciala i glowy

ekspresowy detoks dla ciała i głowy

Wspominajac wczesniej o swoich wiosennych planach rozpisalam sie o kreatywnych projektach, capsule wardrobe, porzadkach, cwiczeniach- duzo tego! Mialam mnostwo pomyslow, ktore klebily mi sie w glowie i jeszcze wiecej zaleglych spraw na liscie rzeczy do zrobienia, ciagle wpadalo mi w oko cos co trzeba sprzatnac, ogarnac czy przygotowac- przyznam, ze ostatnio troche sie zaniedbalam z regularnym planowaniem i sama nie wiedzialam w co mam wsadzic rece. Zamiast dzialac w chaosie i panice postanowilam- na poczatek pozimowy detoks, zastrzyk energii i porzadkowanie pomyslow, potem moge brac sie do pracy! Potrzebne mi bylo wolne przedpoludnie i troche czasu dla siebie, oto plan dzialania Continue reading

Wiosenne plany 2015

Poczatek wiosny to moj drugi, ulubiony moment w roku- kolejny swiezy start, czas zmian i porzadkow. Dodajmy do tego wiecej energii, dluzsze dni, zielenine na straganach, zrzucenie zimowych kurtek i przyrode budzaca sie do zycia i mamy recepte na dobry humor gotowa. W zwiazku z tym przyplywem energii fajnie jest generalnie zastanowic sie nad tym, gdzie jestesmy z naszymi planami, postanowieniami i marzeniami i moze, jesli zajdzie taka potrzeba zrewidowac to i owo. Ja mam kilka swoich pomyslow na mniejsze i wieksze zmiany, ktore pewnie odbija sie tez na blogowych tresciach, dlatego dzisiaj w kilku slowach o nich.

capsule wardrobe spring worqshop1. CAPSULE WARDROBE
Od dluzszego czasu zachwycam sie juz magia posiadania mniejszej ilosci rzeczy, a nad koncepcja capsule wardrobe myslalam od jesieni. Zrobilam wieksza czesc porzadkow w szafie i skompletowalam zestaw ciuchow na wiosne, ktory powiem Wam po cichu przyprawia mnie o szybsze bicie serca! Continue reading

One Little Word in February


At the beginning of the year I shared here my One Little Word which I picked to set me on track in 2014. Balance continues to feel like a great choice for 2014!

Na początku roku podzieliłam się tutaj moim Jednym Małym Słowem, które wybrałam sobie na rok 2014. Po 2 miesiącach BALANS nadal wydaje się strzałem w dziesiątkę!

balance February

I’m sitting here, looking at my little piece of paper filled with my balanced goals that I set myself at the beginning of last month and.. well I won’t tell you that I accomplished all of them but I’ve definitely done a lot- probably much more than I would have done without these goals! Surprisingly the “creativity” part of my last month came out as the weakest- but this only motivates me to focus on it more this month! If you would like to start March with similar worksheet you can download it here.

Siedzę sobie i patrzę na kartkę papieru zapisaną małymi postanowieniami, które wyznaczyłam sobie na początku zeszłego miesiąca i… nie, nie powiem że udało mi się zrealizować je w 100%. Wiem jednak, że dzięki spisaniu ich na kartce, która z kolei wisiała nad biurkiem zrobiłam dużo, dużo więcej niż dałabym radę bez spisanych zadań! Co ciekawe, w zeszłym miesiącu najgorzej wypadły moje plany z kategorii “kreatywne” i to nimi będę chciała się zająć w szczególności w marcu! Jeśli chcielibyście korzystać z podobnego arkusza do planowania goli możecie go ściągnąć tutaj!


My February higlights (a little bit random but taken form my goals!:):
– strong and fun mornings! I exercised, had time to work a little and enjoyed some time with Fab- it became such a great routine which I’m looking forward to everyday!
– more productive days at work- to do list and working with little breaks are something I’ll continue using in March for sure!
– Exercise! I’ve finally found workout which I love and enjoy doing! And yes, after doing it for 25 days I can see some CHANGE! There are some muscles here wohoa!
– I took small steps to organize space around us- kitchen and part of bedroom are almost done! It’s like a first step to spring cleaning haha!
– I experimented with my nails and hair- I can’t say enough good things about using oils in my daily routine! My body is grateful and I’m seriously thinking about giving up most of the drugstore products :)
– and the biggest one- we found the-perfect-wedding-place and this month will be all about confirming the date and preparing our save the dates! Couldn’t be happier! :)

Ulubione w lutym (trochę chaotycznie, ale co tam!)
– energetyczne i pozytywne poranki! Pobudki o 5.50 nie są straszne gdy dzień zaczyna się z dobrą energią- gimnastyka, czas dla mnie, spokojne szykowanie się do pracy i śniadanie plus kawa z Fabem- aż chce się wstawać!
– bardziej zorganizowane dni w pracy- porządna lista zadań i praca z czasomierzem na telefonie połączona z regularnymi przerwami dają super efekty!
– Ćodzienne ćwiczenia! Nareszcie znalazłam trening, który nie znudził mi się po kilku dniach! 25 dni ćwiczeń a ja nadal go uwielbiam plus widzę mięśnie pojawiające się w najbardziej niespodziewanych miejscach= motywuje jak nic!
– Powoli sprzątam i odgruzowuję przestrzeń dookoła nas- uporałam się z kuchnią i częścią sypialni, w marcu wiosennych porządków ciąg dlaszy!
– Zajęłam się paznokciami i włosami i dołączam do grona miłośniczek olejków! Niech się schowają wszystkie odżywki, prosta mieszanka olejków sprawiła, że nie poznaję swoich paznokci!
– I największy news- udało nam się upolować miejsce, w którym za kilka miesięcy powiemy sobie tak! Marzec to czas na dopięcie detali i szykowanie powiadomień- nie mogłabym być szczęśliwsza!

balance Feb 2

How has your February been? Have you been letting your OLW to your life? I’m really excited about my word!
Jak Wam się udał luty? Wykorzystaliście wasze słówka w codziennym życiu? Ja swoje uwielbiam, nie mogłam wybrać lepiej!

Here&Now February

here and nowhereandnowFEB

listening to polish radio ;)

feeling better than ever in my body! I love what regular exercise has been doing for me!

wanting to put ourselves together to book a wedding place (yes! we want to get married this year- I could say FINALLY here haha)

loving baking bread again! I can’t believe that I haven’t been doing it for so long!

thinking about spring coming soon and all the fun things we can do!

making time to prepare homemade meals for us. It’s not easy with 2 people working full time turkish style but it’s totally doable and so worth it in the big picture!

learning a lot about natural cosmetics- as a part of my balance goals for this month I decided to take care of my nails and I’m so amazed with what a drop of oil can do!

reading “Focus” by Leo Babauta

using a special application for my google chrome which locks my facebook and some other disturbing sites after using it for limited time every day. Seriously I’m in love with Stay Focused. It does the job!

planning some spring clothes shopping! yay it makes me happy (probably even more than shopping itself haha)

słucham Radia Zet online ;) 

czuję się coraz lepiej we własnym ciele! Niesamowite ile dają codzienne, regularne ćwiczenia- mam nowego bzika!

chcę zebrać się w sobie i w końcu sfinalizować szukanie miejsa na ślub (tak-ślub jest wreszcie w bardzo realnych planach!)

uwielbiam piec chleb! Nie wierzę że zrobiłam sobie tak długą przerwę od domowego zakwasowca, powrót do pieczenia jest nieziemski!

myślę o wiośnie i o wszystkich fajnych sprawach zaplanowanych na ten sezon :)

robię domowe obiady dla mnie i dla Faba- odrobina planowania i zorganizowania i możemy na co dzień jeść jak w super restauracji za ułamek ceny i w dużo zdrowszym wydaniu- da się, da się nawet jak oboje wracamy do domu późnoooo!

uczę się o naturalnych kosmetykach do pielęgnacji- olejki działają cuda na moje paznokcie. Eksperymentuję, czytam i zachwycam się prostotą tych specyfików (oraz tym jak nie czyszczą mojego konta w banku!)

czytam “Skup się” autorstwa Leo Babauta

używam specjalnej aplikacji do google chrome, która blokuje mi dostęp do facebooka i innych przeszkadzajek w internecie po wykorzystaniu codziennego limitu czasu, który sobie narzuciłam- Stay Focused spisuje się genialnie!

planuję wiosenne zakupy ciuchowe! Planowanie to suepr zabawa (pewnie nawet lepsza niż zakupy :)

One Little World in January



At the beginning of the month I shared here my One Little Word which I picked to set me on track in 2014. Balance still feels like such a good fit! Thinking about this world helped me through some busy days and more tricky moments in the last 30 days and it helped me to make right decisions when I needed it- it felt so good.


Although I shared with you my little printable- a tool to set balanced goals for a month I didn’t really use it much. I had it printed and ready to fill in but somehow it stayed empty until today. And it’s totally OK, because still, subconsciously I was using it to make my decisions. I was allowing myself to stop a bit and enjoy quiet cup of tea. I’ve read more books. I stayed more focused and more productive at work. Recognizing and putting the 6 categories of my life on the scale in my mind and trying to balance them was a good reminder when I needed to decide- push for another hour of scrapping or go for a run? Watch another episode of TV show with Fab or go to bed early and read a bit before falling asleep? I feel like January was a great warm up and for next month I’m going to actually set some measurable and balanced goals for myself!

January BALANCE highlights:
– set new morning routine (can’t wait to blog about it!) which gives me extra 2 hours of free every single day!
– more relaxed approach to scrapbooking and crafting- I’m working to place it on it’s “hobby” shelf rather than obsessing about deadlines and assigments
– more conscious and balanced decisions- recognizing important sectors in life and balancing them in my mind made making decisions much easier and faster
– better attitude and more productive days at work which in general makes me much happier!
– working on staying organized- believe me or not but living with a plan is what actually opens up free time for all the fun things and spontaneous adventures out there!


So, how are you doing with your One Little Word? Even if you haven’t had the strong start yet you can still catch up! It’s actually first year for me when I feel the magic of this project so much and I love it!

Here & Now – Jan 2014

here and nowselphie

listening to new Lea Michelle songs– and waiting for the full album reveal!

feeling happy to settle in the daily routine fter month of crazy travels

wanting to work on my One Little Word more intentionally this month!

loving porridge with frozen raspberries, banana and coconut for breakfast

thinking about where I want to take this blog in the next few months

making less for various DT assigments and more just for me

learning nothing really… but I’m going to pick something new soon!

reading random stuff through Legimi– any reccomendations?

using youtube to exercice and pinterest to stay motivated– and I love it!

planning my February blog posts- I have some new fun stuff coming here!

setting goals for 2014 and free printable

When I decided on my One Little Word I immediately wanted to work on the ways I could use it in the near future. I think it only shows how good and accurate the word is for me these days- I’ve been picking the words for last 3 years and never felt such an urge to actually use my word! BALANCE made me think about different parts of my life and the way to make them work together.

I created a pinterest board related to BALANCE and while pinning random images and quotes I felt really inspired by this one:


I immediately started brainstorming and thinking in what kind of categories I could divide my life into- I was looking for groups within which I could work on myself and my routine to improve the quality of everyday BALANCE in my life. I came up with creativity, job, spirit, body, relationships and home. They are totally individual and probably if you tried to do this exercise for yourself you could end up with different groups, but that’s what is relevant for me right now.


I gave myself some time to think about stuff I would like to focus on within each group. I was writing down random smaller and bigger ideas, goals and plans and at the end of the day I had a decent list which started me thinking of my resolutions. After some selecting, grouping and prioritizing I created 6 big goals which I want to accomplish- 1 for each of the categories. The big goals accumulated some of the smaller ones and this makes me really excited to work on them!

Last year I decided to go with a concept of setting smaller monthly goals instead of big ones at the beginning of the year and as much as I liked the feeling of fresh start every month I really missed a main focus and big picture in which I could see my progress. So this year I changed things a bit and I’ll be again setting monthly goals for each of my categories, but as I have my 6 big goals written down they will set the direction for the small monthly plans! I’m really happy about this concept and to make tracking my goals easier I created a small printable which I want to share with you here today!

balance goal planner


This page is focused around my concept and the important areas of life I want to improve, but if you think it could be useful for you too that’s great! Enjoy using it :) I hope that by the end of my well BALANCEd 2014 these small goals will lead me to accomplishing the big ones. I love the idea of jotting down few fresh steps every month and feeling that I have a set destination I’m moving forward to!  Can’t wait to see where this creative journey will take me in months to come!

One Little Word 2014

Now, once the Christmas and New Year excitment has dropped and we are back into the everyday routine I can honestly say that the last few weeks have been a crazy whirlwind. I was trying to do everything at once- manage work, preparing Christmas, CHA assigments, blog, social medias and hey yes life- that part which includes laundry, cooking, cleaning and other boring stuff. And in the meantime I tried to be a good employee, blogger, scrapbooker, girlfriend, daughter, sister and friend. And I tried, and tried and sometimes just wished I could press the stop button somewhere because in all of that I couldn’t really find ME.

CTK blog hop 2

I was dreaming of a moment of peace and feeling joy because of what I do. A moment when I would feel that the different parts of my life- which I all love and don’t want to give up any of them- work together, that they are coordinated and work like a good mechanism. At that point I created a scrapbooking layout which showed my feelings really well and lead me to my One Little Word for upcoming 12 months!


The word BALANCE came to me when I needed it most. At the moment my life is super full and it’s very easy to loose the balance in it. I feel like I’m juggling many balls and as much as I love everyone of them it I stress too much and need to calm things down a bit. So in 2014 I invite BALANCE to my life. I’ll search for right proportion and focus on growing in different parts of my life. I also feel like it’s such a fun word and it’ll challenge and develop me in many new ways! I started a new board on my pinterest where I collect all BALANCE related inspirations and you are more than welcome to have a look there!


Tomorrow I will tell you a little bit more what BALANCE means to me and how I decided to include it in my goals this year! In the meantime if you aren’t familiar with the concept of One Little Word check it on Ali Edward’s blog!

Happy New Year and 2013 in review!


Hello and welcome in 2014!!! First of all I want to wish you all super special and happy New Year! Be creative and live your life to it’s fullest! I wish you tons of colorful happiness, lots of love and days filled with happy moments!

Before I jump into 2014 (and tell you a bit about my new plans and dreams!) let’s wrap up 2013! It was an amazing year- the year of growth and finding my way! I met so many amazing and inspiring people who I learned so much from! I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave me a chance and believed in me and my passion in the last 12 months- all my wonderful DT, blogging opportunities, special orders and creative adventures made this past year unforgetable!


My creative resume became full of great experiences in the scrapbooking industry, my magazine shelf gained some new publications featuring my work and thanks to Citrus Twist Kits I got the chance to prepare my first self paced online class- STARTbooking!


2013 was a year of change for me- I started a full time job in the fashion industry and as the amount of time I could give to my paper hobby dropped a lot I understood that this passion is something more than free time activity- it’s my true love :) Scrapbooking and paper crafting became a huge and very important part of my life and I’m not going to give up on them! 2014 will be a year of searching balance between career, creativity, scrapbooking, blogging and personal growth! I know that with good plan it’s possible to squeeze a lot in 24 hours which we all get and I’m going to make most of my time!


What will you find on worqshop in 2014? Well, definitely there will be plenty of paper projects but I’m also working on some new things which I’m really excited to share with you soon! There will be a bit about squeezing creativity in busy days, planning and organizing, and sourcing as much inspiration from everyday as it’s possible! Let’s tune in for 2014 together!


I’m obsessed with fresh start, new beginnings and blank canvases- these 12 months is a pure, white page and it’s totally up to you how to paint it! Happy New Year guys!

HERE&NOW December

here and now


listening to Christmas songs of course! What else could play all day long just few weeks before the Holiday :)

feeling festive! You know it’s not always easy- there isn’t much of Christmas in Istanbul and now with working full time creating Christmas at home is tricky BUT we do our best!

wanting to write more on my blog, create more, bake gingerbread, send my post… I actually want quite a lot!

needing to do some decent cleaning at home. yucks!

thinking about my One Little Word for 2014. Have you picked yours yet?

enjoying snow (yes it’s snowing like crazy in Istanbul as I’m typing this!)

learning how to find balance, how to find balance, how to find balance!

reading  Legimi! I finished my 3 books challenge and it put me in such a reading mood! I read every day while commuting and LOVE it!

using lots of new beautiful scrappy goodies!!

looking forward to going to my beloved London in 2 weeks! And than to Rome! And to Milan! Lucky me!:D


here&now: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, SEP, NOV